omg yes and the teacher suggested we like group and write those together I was all like '...OMG' and 'I don't co-author stuff!' (actually I have but...) and my face was expressing those thoughts pretty well I think
anvil-shaped... anvil... I know this word... *rannsakas... oh, fuck, searches her memory*
oh boy, i remember a situation like that in our english class. we had to... write smth based on a small piece of analysis of a novel we were reading. and the teacher was like 'why don't you all cooperate?' and i was like 'NO! i have thoughts about this novel! i disagree with this analysis! i want to talk about this myself!!1' of course, we ended up doing it all together under my direction, and i was left with the only original bit of stuff to write xDD (the purpose of the course was phonetics, not grammar or writing or... anything else, actually)
ah, then you must be unfamiliar with the word anvilicious *runs off and hides*
UPD: i knew it!!! ahem. i knew there was an english word like that xD
I KNOW RIGHT ahaha yeah i know that feeling too XD when we were doing the project with like a book on a poet (we had balmont) and i supervised and practically did everything not good at teamwork, this one, nope
...oh no tv tropes. OMG okay. I get it now. No, nothing anvil-shaped there, nope. XD
30.07.2012 в 02:00
30.07.2012 в 02:02
a sTORY i'm writing
like a few pages in a dairy of one character from a small story
and omg what the hell is wrong with you ve
30.07.2012 в 02:27
30.07.2012 в 02:29
I was all like '...OMG' and 'I don't co-author stuff!' (actually I have but...) and my face was expressing those thoughts pretty well I think
anvil-shaped... anvil... I know this word... *rannsakas... oh, fuck, searches her memory*
30.07.2012 в 02:39
ah, then you must be unfamiliar with the word anvilicious *runs off and hides*
UPD: i knew it!!! ahem. i knew there was an english word like that xD
30.07.2012 в 18:21
yeah i know that feeling too XD when we were doing the project with like a book on a poet (we had balmont) and i supervised and practically did everything
not good at teamwork, this one, nope
...oh no tv tropes.
OMG okay. I get it now. No, nothing anvil-shaped there, nope. XD
PS ohhhh great XDDD yeah, I know that word!