a blue guitar, a set of stars, or those exactly who they are
Сходил на Хоббита третий раз за неделю (от hfr болят глаза, и странноое ощущение местами ускоренных движений, местами ручной камеры - не настолько, чтоб помешать смотреть, но на hfr больше не пойду) и еще раз на Les Mis - с финнами. впечатления местами прояснились, немного сместились. но хорошо все так же. )) Сиири такая милая (так!!! бурно!!!1 восторгалась Звездами, ыыыыы 8D), и остальные тоже.
- I'll wear all my Les Mis stuff to the Finnish premiere. I'm still hoping there's some Les Mis fan who'll see me and come to talk to me. ...They'll probably think I'm creepy. I'm the person who owns three Les Mis T-shirts.
- Yeah, you'll wear all three at once, they'll be sure to come around. And that's if they're not shy. What if they'll be waiting for you to come to them? And then you'll ne awkwardly staring at each other from a distance.
- If Marius can do it, why can't I?!
Два раза отморозил себе полтела. )) все, не могу я больше гулять. хочется, но не могу.
и вообще я уже готов спать. ))
- I'll wear all my Les Mis stuff to the Finnish premiere. I'm still hoping there's some Les Mis fan who'll see me and come to talk to me. ...They'll probably think I'm creepy. I'm the person who owns three Les Mis T-shirts.
- Yeah, you'll wear all three at once, they'll be sure to come around. And that's if they're not shy. What if they'll be waiting for you to come to them? And then you'll ne awkwardly staring at each other from a distance.
- If Marius can do it, why can't I?!
Два раза отморозил себе полтела. )) все, не могу я больше гулять. хочется, но не могу.
и вообще я уже готов спать. ))