Verit в промежутках меж чудом и чаем

суббота, 04 сентября 2021

a blue guitar, a set of stars, or those exactly who they are

23:04 can i interest you in everything all of the time
it's funny how I assumed I was apathetic and didn't want anything, but in fact I just wasn't trying the right things

because in the past week (or a bit longer in one case) I got REALLY into: UNHhhh (a show where two amazing drag queens just talk about whatever they want) and then other stuff from/with Trixie and/or Katya, this guy's videos (he's SO charismatic oh my god i'm now watching a fucking. video on Ariana Grande's (?!) character on a Disney show (???!!!) just bc of THE GUY), subsequently Bo Burnham's Inside thanks to that video (although I only actually listened to it so far because I haven't had time to actually WATCH it lol), and finally Disco Elysium which I played five hours straight last night thanks to Tailgate's encourangement and also her loving the game and having it on her PS, lol. I linked the trailer but I don't know if it actually SHOWS just how awesome it is to play (probably not), so it's actually best to just. go in blind and be like AHHH FUCK OH MY GOD. but here's my twitter thread with some of the most amazing writing
Оказывается можно убедить себя, что ты не устал, и устало...
Ох и паршиво же, когда действительно близкому тебе челове...
Шестой день без кофе.
Зачем-то идёт дождь. Зачем-то я простыл. Всё это вместо с...
ошшушаю себя просто круче Тайсона. Все косточки на кулачк...
утром в воскресенье выхожу из метро и вижу, желтые лилейн...

05.09.2021 в 02:38

05.09.2021 в 02:38
Welcome to Revachol, Detective. Hope you can crack this case.